Published On: Wed, Jul 17th, 2019

6 Tips to make your illustrations stand out

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In the evolving world of illustrations, it can sometimes be difficult for an illustrator to get noticed in the crowd of skilled artists. Illustrators are finding a good way to establish their name in the industry and putting an effort to get in a good position in the illustration world. It might be people with greater talent or people who only know how to use Adobe to their benefit effectively.

However, if you want to tackle the competition, here are sixeffective tips for illustrators to be successful at catching the eyes of the clients.

  1. Avoid following trends

Trends are always evolving in the design industry. What was good last year is the thing of the past in the present. Where keeping up with trends can be beneficial for an illustrator, it is important to add a personalised touch in the illustrations to keep it different from what’s already present in the market.

If you are putting out the same work as the other artists, you are offering nothing new to the prospective clients. They will likely choose the one having lower pricing than yours instead of working with you. Set your own trends and communicate your expertise through unique images.

  1. Know your clients

In order to succeed as an illustrator, you must understand your audience—or in this case, your clients.

Knowing the audience—whether you have been in the industry for a while or have just started—can be of great help as you to set your style of art as well as be able to see where your work is being used. However, this too comes down to many factors: your style of art depends on the type of art you like to work at and what subjects your genre belong to.

For example, artists working on children’s book illustration may not be able to work with the same style on a metal band poster. So you need to take some time to realise the type of work you do and what type of client base can it appeal to. This can help you to avoid being lost in the future,and you might also get hired in a designing company.

  1. Choose colours wisely

Colour is a massive factor in the creation of art and can set a whole tone of your master piece. Choose colourswisely and work them around what you really want to achieve. Just like the example mentioned above, a metal band may require certaingothic colour while a children’s book may have vibrant colours and exciting transitions of shades,making them unique.

  1. Get your work out in the market

A creative person not only knows how to present a thought on a canvas, but they also understand the requirement of marketing their work in the industry to make the most out of it. It is almost impossible to ignore the power of various social media platforms and the benefits it can provide an illustrator.

In this modern age, designers and illustrators can gain more attention and more followers of their work. Update your work daily or weekly and make them share your pictures to build credibility. Share your contact details and hand them right in the hands of art directors to get the work you require.

  1. Set goals

Why do you what you do? Setyour aim and goals for yourself and your work. Set a time and deadlines to get out the work. Establish yourself as an entrepreneur and be professional with your work. Goals help you to evolve in your work and become better at what you do simply because you have a prize to achieve at the end of your goals. By showing your desire to succeed and your passion in your work, I can help you to stand out in the crowd. Be enthusiastic about being creativeand imaginative with your work. Don’t think, justcreate; it may lead your way to the creation of a masterpiece.

  1. You need a website

Living in the technological age, taking advantage of social media isn’t going to get you to your destination. You need to have a place where your clients can learn about your services and understand the nature of your work. You need a website which can present your work and make your brand. An excellent website can put you ahead of your competition and win youa commission.


Despite of the advancements made in the world of illustrations, many illustrators fail to see the benefits it can bring in creating art that can make your famous in no time. Take a leap in to the artistic world pf illustrations and be honest with what you can and cannot do. Experiment with your skills and make new trends to get better in the industry.

About the Author

- Bijendra Deo Ojha is a prominent figure in IT and web development, known for founding Bizs Point IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. in Lucknow, India. Beyond his technical expertise, Bijendra is also a versatile blogger and writer, contributing extensively on various subjects such as technology, business, health, education, and personal development. Through his blend of technical knowledge and creative expression, he continues to influence the digital landscape with his multifaceted writing endeavors.