Published On: Tue, Sep 30th, 2014

Watson Tool a New Launch of IBM for Business Customers

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In the recent years, there is a huge competition exists amongst the business owners because of advancement in technologies. With the aim to receive the attention of their clients, most of the business holders strive to reduce the time and effort of the potential customers by introducing many a number new launches. In this regards, IMB introduces a business analytic tool to indentify solutions for those queries that are not answered by the humans.

Predict performance and efficiency:

In Washington, International Business Machines Corporation is gently sloping out a cognitive device powered by its supercomputer named Watson. By using the internal data of companies, this tool will answer questions regarding efficiency, performance and predict outcomes. According to IBM, this tool seems to be the most recent in the collection of Watson products uncovered by IBM. The main aim of this effort is to shift the resources out of slumping hardware zone into more profitable domains such as cloud computing as well as analytics. Recently, IMB launched a Watson discovery advisory that is a tool scientists used to identify the patterns exists in data. With the help of IBM’s data analytic, you can able to predict the trouble found in aircraft engine.

Frame personalized questions:

Now, Watson analytic patrons will upload their company’s data and request the tool to personalize questions. For instance, ask the tool “Who are my gainful regulars?” The artificial intelligence incorporated in the Watson tool will analyze a large amount of data easily and quickly. As the tool has the capability to understand human language, people can able to ask many different follow up questions with the intention to provide customers the most precise results as soon as possible. This cloud based tool will also analyze several data sets and offer answers along with visualizations which predict future outcomes. More than that, Watson also creates charts and graphics that enable consumers to share the results of their explorations and better execute solutions to their issues.

Get solution to your individual problems:

If people have any individual problems, then they can obtain solutions devoid of needing to call IT or call a data scientist. IBM will endow Watson with industry, economic and geographic data which clients can utilize in relation with their very own data. The interactive tool can robustly prepare, refine and in turn, houses data. The contribution will be commenced in beta testing style within the following month and will be accessible for almost all the IBM business customers in the month November. The indispensable service is offered on a freemium basis in which fundamental features are absolutely free and consumers can be charged for premium services that allow them to work with more complex and larger data sets from a wide range of sources. As compared to premium service, freemium is essentially important as this is a sort of tool which has not been accessible to a broad audience. When people convinced and get to know the basic features, then they will surely love it and need to employ more than the premium features.


About the Author

- Bijendra Deo Ojha is a prominent figure in IT and web development, known for founding Bizs Point IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. in Lucknow, India. Beyond his technical expertise, Bijendra is also a versatile blogger and writer, contributing extensively on various subjects such as technology, business, health, education, and personal development. Through his blend of technical knowledge and creative expression, he continues to influence the digital landscape with his multifaceted writing endeavors.