Published On: Fri, Jul 25th, 2014

Sensor Operated Robotic Hands

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Operated Robotic HandsA few simple chores like removing a bottle cap, peeling a banana and twisting a screwdriver are tricky to get done with a single hand. Now, it has become possible by means of a newly developed wrist-mounted robot that offers helping hand or instead, with fingers. Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of technology have created a robot that exacerbates the grasping movement of the human hand. This device, when worn around a single wrest, tends to work significantly like two additional fingers that are adjacent to the thumb and pinky. A novel control algorithm allows it to move in synchronisation with the fingers of the wearers to grab objects of different sizes and shapes. On wearing this robot, it is possible for a user to one hand to, for example, to hold the base of bottle besides twisting the cap.

This is completely a natural and intuitive technique to move your robotic controlled fingers, as said by Harry Asada, the professor of engineering in the department of mechanical engineering in MIT. It also seems that it is not required to command the robot; however it is just required to naturally move the fingers. Then the robotic fingers with react and help your fingers. With some routing training, people would be able to find robotic fingers as though the part of their body, like a device that they have been employing for long time and they can also feel the robotic fingers as an extension of their hand. It is also believed that the two fingered robot may aid people with restricted dexterity in doing regular household chores, like lifting the heavy objects and opening jars, etc.

The robot as dubbed by the researchers as supernumerary robotic fingers that comprises of actuators which link together to exert the forces as firm as those of the fingers of human being while grasping motion. To create an algorithm to integrate the robotic fingers with that of human hand, the physiology of hand gesture have first been looked by the researchers who have learnt that the five fingers of hand are extremely coordinated. When a hand is reached out to grab orange in a different manner than, consider, a mug, just two common models of motion are employed to grasp the objects which include bringing all finger togethers and then twisting them inwards. The grasp of any of the objects could be explained in detail via a blend of these two models.

It has been hypothesized by researchers that a same biomechanical energy exists not just among the 5 human fingers, but also among the 7. In order to test this hypothesis, a researcher worn a glove that is outfitted with recording sensors at multiple positions and get it attached to his wrist through a light brace. The researcher then scavenged the laboratory for general objects, like a soda bottle, a box of cookies and a football. The researchers make use of this information to create a control algorithm so as to correlate the positions of two robotic fingers with that of the five human fingers.

About the Author

- Bijendra Deo Ojha is a prominent figure in IT and web development, known for founding Bizs Point IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. in Lucknow, India. Beyond his technical expertise, Bijendra is also a versatile blogger and writer, contributing extensively on various subjects such as technology, business, health, education, and personal development. Through his blend of technical knowledge and creative expression, he continues to influence the digital landscape with his multifaceted writing endeavors.